Peyton's Fort - Official site of Peyton MacPhail

Press Kit

Bio Deal

Phun Photos

Rock Friends

Dad's Work

Upcoming Zander Shows

Zander Wear (Merch)

Welcome To Peyton's Fort!


Tha' Down Low!!
Wow, I just won the 11 year old
division of the Sanford Elks
Soccer Shootout. They wanted me to
kick in Rockland but I have two games
that day, so bummer.

Benn listening to Judas Priest
and Alice Cooper, two of Dad's
favorites. Cooper rawks!

The guest book is down until
people stop sending crap.
Sorry :(

You're kidding, right?
Wow, I just got a letter from the President, George Bush. He congratulated me on saving
some money and buying a laptop. I did it by cleaning the streets of cans, returned them
and bam, hundreds of dollars.
Got a special feature in the Sanford News (thanx Ann and EJ)!
Plus I made da 11 year old All Star team for Sanford Little League - District 4 !!! Yahoo!!

Oh man have we been BUSY!!! Dad, mom and I have been working on this new club in Sanford
called Club Primo's. Some probs but it's ok.

I may go see Kiss again in Mass.!!!!!
We last saw em at the Cumberland County Civic Center with Aerosmith
in Portland Maine.
What a phat time and we were 16 rows back dead center. Mom shook Joe Perry's hand
and Steven Tyler shook his butt in her face! I threw a plastic light up thing at him.
Bebe Buell was there with her singer from Vacationland. Liv Tyler's mom.
We had them at Hootenanny's in Sanford for an all ages show last spring.

Also still loving the hardest core rock/punk/metal from great all girl punk band
(now broken up) "Heidi" out of Bostune!! "We Love, Talking 'bout People we Hate"!!

On the playa now is some Heidi, Kiss, Dixie Chicks (yeah I like country too) plus
Kenny Chesney, some of dad's Rolling Stones (Ruby Tuesday) and I have a huge Kiss set,
so that's kool.

Click on "Dad's Work" for some photo's of me with Steve DeOssie, Mosi Tatupu,
Ken Hodge and more Boston sports hero's.
Click on "Bio Deal" for some testimonials.
Click on "Press Kit" for online press kit.
Click on "Phun Photos" for pics of me with people like former
president George Bush, TV people like news people, some shows, gigs, places and more.
Click on "Rock Friends" for some more photos.
Don't forget to sign the guest book. It's fun:)

Click here to sign up for our newsletter. It's free. We HATE spam :0

The spaghetti style tanks are soooo coooool in the
summer AND winter. It looks awesome
and I have a page with 3 styles to
choose from. The front design is Zander
in Purple (my favorite color) and these are for us ladies!!!!
If you'd like to order one info is on the page so take a look,
I think you'll like;)
I also have some kids shirts here and now.
Like from 5 to 9 years old.
Boys and girls with our cool Zander skate logo.

CLICK IT!! has come thru!
Home of 12 year old female
drummer Peyton MacPhail
Click photo to get some tunes.

If your page looks
the same as before,
hit "refresh"
That should do
the trick!

We had a huge counter,
but lost it in HTML crap.
Oh well :)

Last updated 03/08/05